Judicious use of water

Early on in the development of our strategy for Pueblo Pescadero the developer determined that securing a reliable and adequate source of water needed to be a prime consideration for the project.  They successfully petitioned the federal water authority, Conaqua, for a concession to install a well within the Pueblo Pescadero site. 

In addition to securing this supply, Pueblo Pescadero will capture all waste waters from our casas and treat them in our on-site treatment plant.  The resulting treated water – that meets US EPA standards – will be used to irrigate the onsite landscaping thereby reducing overall water consumption.

What does this mean?  No trucking in and storage of water on-site like many condominiums in the area. Our filtered water meets US EPA standards and provides for drinking water in your home right out of the tap.

In addition to securing this supply, Pueblo Pescadero captures all grey waters from our casas and treats them in our on-site treatment plant.  The resulting treated water – that also meets US EPA standards – is used to irrigate the onsite landscaping thereby reducing overall water consumption.

Preservation of existing plants and trees

Wherever possible, existing vegetation has been retained in it’s original location or relocated within the common area.  The placement of the relocated flora has taken into account it’s shading aspect on surrounding buildings and privacy consideration.

Design Theme

One of the principle tenets of sustainability is to link the built and natural environment with the social and cultural history of the precinct. Therefore, the design theme for Pueblo Pescadero draws from established Mexican architecture.